"Quite good [and] very well-produced... the story is engaging, and the acting is top-notch"
"A New Podcast Series Brings a Brilliant Cast of Characters Together"
"Like Wednesday Meets Euphoria"
"Black tie brunches, Adderall addictions and big ambitions collide in this sparky drama set in America’s most prestigious boarding school."
"The Disembodied Hand That Fisted Everyone to Death may be the gayest musical ever and isn't ashamed about it."
"A perfect essential parody that works brilliantly."
"Plenty of social critique, musical parody and sexual frivolity to keep all five fingers busy. You'd be horrified if you weren't too busy laughing."
22 Best Podcasts of 2022
Audio Delicacies of 2022
The Best Audio Drama Podcasts Streaming Right Now
The Best Podcasts of 2022
"I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun listening to something. The first thought that popped into my mind was, who are these people?"
"The Sloan Fast Track Grant is awarded to James Thomas Thinks the Earth is Flat written by Anderson Cook and produced by Alysia Reiner and Bryan Terrell Clark."
The 10 Funniest Things We've Seen on the Internet: Who Killed Avril Lavigne? [has] really good sound design, funny performances and absolutely banging theme tunes.
New Hamlet Musical, starring Adam Pascal, Jordan Donica, and Samantha Pauly, Concludes Discovering Broadway's Inaugural Development Season
"A panel of Broadway industry insiders were on hand to select winners at the Sound Bites 6.0 musical festival... the audience selected Bleeding Kansas as their favorite piece of the night."
"Anderson Cook was recognized with the Sloan Student Grand Jury Prize, celebrating the “best of the best” screenplays submitted by six of the leading film schools."
"Purely electrifying... a riveting, head-bopping musical with a twisted, definitely unique plot that gives new form to the term 'musical theater'."
"A spot-on laugh-out-loud farce of juvenile dreams, filled with the pop-culture references, language, aesthetics, and emo of the era."
"Experiencing it live is like stepping into an enchanted wonderland where an everlasting 2003 rocks hard."